This post presents a multiple clipboard software for Windows. The Software presented here works only for plain text and not for images or other formats which clipboard supports. Plain Text is one of the main purpose for which we all use clipboard. Without Copy – Paste , Windows would have been really difficult to use and ofcourse time wasting. To Clipboard you can copy lots of stuff including plain text (text which is displayed in simple text editors like notepad), Rich Text (Text which is displayed normally in Rich Text Editors like Wordpad, Microsoft Word, etc), Images (Clipboard functionality is supported by lots of software utilities like Windows Explorer, Microsoft Paint, etc), and yes clipboard supports many other objects. Have a look at the given below screenshot which offers multiple clipboard type functionality for simple unicode (text in any language) text.

Store Multiple Text Sentences and Paste them using Clipbaord
As the above screenshot displayed, you can store single or multiple text sentences in the software along with a system wide keyboard shortcut. You can opt to simulate paste command on the press of your defined keyboard shortcut and your existing clipboard text will be preserved as well. In Clipboard Mode the software presented here, backs up existing clipboard data in memory, copies the stored text to clipboard, simulates Ctrl + V Command, restores the clipboard text back. Effectively you can store multiple short or long text strings and define keyboard shortcut for every text and whenever you want to use any of the text in a text box which supports Ctrl + V command, just press the keyboard shortcut and this software will work as multiple clipboard software and you can speed up your copy / paste or text typing commands. Irrespective of the length of the string stored in the software, the Paste Command is really fast and you your typing speed will not be affected due to the usage of this multiple clipboard software.
Apart from the Clipboard Mode, this software works in another mode in which, the software can simulate keyboard typing. Almost every key on keyboard can be automated and hence, the speed of text typing will be slower as compared to the clipboard mode.
This Multiple Clipboard Software works on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and even on Windows XP. You can even store few text sentences using Clipboard Mode and others in Automated Typing Mode with Special Keyboard Keys Processing. This Free to try keyboard automation software can really save you time and efforts and in order to enjoy multiple clipboard functionality for plain text in any language, you must give this keyboard typing software a try.