Simple to use and Easy to learn Linux Automation Software for doing Automatic Mouse Clicking and Typing is presented here. This Linux Tool does not requires you to learn any sort of scripting language and works easily with GUI controls. Yes in order to learn how to simulate Mouse Clicking and Keyboard Typing with this Linux Automation Tool, all you need to do is have a look at the screenshots provided below. This Linux Auto Clicker can perform Mouse Clicks of various types, it can even move mouse cursor without doing the actual click. The Automatic Clicking can be done at fixed screen locations or wherever the mouse cursor is present at the time of script playback. Have a look at the given below screenshot of this Linux Automation Software and find out what all types of Mouse Actions it can perform.

Linux Auto Clicker and Typer
Initial version of this Linux Automation Tool had only few mouse clicking features. Now as the screenshot above displays there are total of 7 different types of Mouse Actions that this Linux Automation Software can perform. This website published a post titled Linux Auto Clicker when this Linux Automation Software offered only Mouse Actions to be automated. Now this software has improved a lot and yes it does still has room for improvement and developers are working on it.

Linux Auto Clicker and Typer Settings to Control Keyboard Shortcuts
The Linux Auto Clicker and Typer Software application presented here offers configurable Global Keyboard Shortcuts. The Settings screen of this Linux Automation Software is as displayed above and required you to manually type in the shortcut key in the edit box provided. The above screenshot displays the default settings of the software and the keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the main screen of the software as well. As the above screenshot displays there are 3 different types of global keyboard shortcuts supported by the software.
- The first keyboard shortcut is to get the Mouse Cursor co-ordinates in X and Y edit boxes in the main screen. By default the function key F11 is assigned to get the mouse cursor position co-ordinates in the main screen.
- Another configurable Keyboard Shortcut is available in this Linux Automation Software to add Mouse Click to the Script record by automatically getting the mouse cursor position and adding a new script record to the macro script being created. While the main screen is active and visible, just move your mouse cursor to the position where you want the software to do automatic click and press the keyboard shortcut to add a new script record.
- The last keyboard shortcut available is to Start / Stop the Script Execution. When the script playback is started, the Start Button on the main screen of the software allows you to to stop the Script Execution. However when you are using this Linux Automation Software to do automatic Mouse Clicking and Movement, you might not be able to manually click on the Stop button and hence the keyboard shortcut to start the script execution works to stop the script execution.

Linux Auto Clicker at Current Mouse Cursor Location
This Linux Automation Software allows you to dynamically get the mouse cursor position during the script playback by adding a mouse click at special location with X co-ordinate at 999 and Y Co-ordinate value at -999. An information box appears whenever you add the dynamic location script record. Apart from this special location, all other X and Y Co-ordinates are used as it is and no other special processing is done. While specifying the X and Y C0-ordinates, you must be careful in specifying the X and Y Screen Locations as in this version of the Linux Automation Software, there is no validation on changed screen resolution or for change in display resolution.
Partial Automatic Typing is also supported by this version of the Linux Automation Software and hence the label for this post has been assigned as Linux Auto Clicker and Typer. Have a look at the first screenshot in this post again and note that the last script record added to the software says Type Comment. When this Keyboard Typing Command will be executed, the text in the comment field specified will be typed onto active application window. As of this version only ASCII characters in lower case are supported by the Auto Typer of this Linux Automation Software. Special Keyboard Characters and Uppercase Characters are converted into lower case and non special characters when actual keyboard typing is performed.
Overall this Linux Automation Software can be a good Auto Clicker to automate repetitive tasks to save time and add accuracy to the repetitive task. Regarding Automatic Typing, the Auto Typer feature of this Linux Software needs improvement. All the screenshots above have been captured on Linux Mint Version 13 and yes the software has been tested on Linux Min 14 & Fedora as well. All the features of the software displayed above are currently available in 64 bit version and the 32 bit version is available in the older version of the software, when it has only Auto Clicker and some other features were not there as compared to the new version of the Linux Automation Software.