Idle Windows Computer Controller

Every Windows Computer provides idle actions such as starting of screensaver, turning off monitor, automatic locking of computer, and other power saving options. These all idle computer control actions are distributed all over the control panel and there are good chances that you may not have appropriate access rights to change them or to forget about any of the computer control actions. Now Idle Controller gives a central location from which you can control almost all the windows computer idle actions. Have a look at the given below screenshot of this unique software utility which does not require any installation and is really straightforward to use. All you need to do is decide how you want your windows computer to behave when left idle or inactive and this software utility can take care of the rest.

Control Idle or Inactive Windows Computer Controller

Control Idle or Inactive Windows Computer Controller

Download this Idle Windows Computer Controller utility and try it for free on a Windows Computer running Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP , Windows 2000 or even on Windows Server 2008. There are separate mutually non-exclusive options to control windows idle actions. There are Software utilities like Auto Mouse Mover which allow to prevent a Windows computer from going into sleep mode or even prevent screensaver by keeping a computer active. This Idle Controller utility goes one step further and provides other useful options to control Monitor or Windows Computer power state.

When a Windows Computer is being used actively, all of the power saving and other computer control actions remain silent and whenever a windows computer is left inactive or idle, the power saving options of a windows computer kicks in and control the computer as configured in control panel. There are many ways in which this Windows utility can be helpful and you can utilize the full power of this simple and advanced power controlling utility of Windows. This utility does not requires installation and hence can be downloaded and run without admin rights. For certain computer control functions such as Shutdown, Restart, etc, you must have the appropriate rights on the computer or else this utility cannot initiate computer restart, shutdown , etc.

The Idle Controller utility to control Windows Computers is provided as a Stand Alone Application, does not requires installation, has been checked with more than 3 dozen antiviruses and has a single screen to configure. In order to add this application to start with Windows, you would need to enable the Auto Startup option from the software screen. The application can be minimized or can be run from System tray as an icon with content menu. In order to use this software to Turn Off the Monitors of an idle computer, display a black screen across all the monitors, start screensaver, etc you just need to enable the appropriate option and enter the number of seconds after which the selected option must be performed. This free trial download is available right now and works on 32 or 64 bit versions of Windows on current Microsoft Operating Systems and on the upcoming Windows 8 computer as well.

Auto Clicker without Download

Auto Clicker is a term normally used to denote a software which can do some sort of automated mouse clicks. Without downloading there is no way by which a software can do automatic clicking of mouse cursor. Auto Clicker without download is virtually impossible to have as Windows security does not allows any piece of software running from browser to take control of physical mouse clicks. Yes you can watch a video without downloading or you can even listen to music without downloading audio or video files. On a system level, whatever you view on browsers or anything else is actually downloaded on your computer and then the appropriate software presents the information in which it is supposed to be displayed.

In case you are looking forward to get an auto clicker without download, you might be worried about viruses or other malware which various software applications are known to install on your computer and hence the genuine concern. Websites are made up with high level programming languages such as ASP, PHP , Java Script, etc. These high level languages when run inside a browser can do lots of stuff but they cannot take over your windows computer. Every new version of browser tries to add up to the security so that no malware or virus actually gets installed onto your windows computer. Most of the viruses / malwares distributed using webpages actually trick user to actually install a .exe application onto the windows computer. The .exe files are the application files on a windows computer and they do have access to almost everything on a windows computer, controlled with security settings. Java applications on the other hand are not application files and instead they are run by a Java Run Time Environment (An application which must be installed on your Windows Computer), similar concept is followed by .NET applications and hence there are less chances of a downloaded auto clicker to contain virus or other type of malware. Java or .NET applications are often distributed with a setup.exe file (which of-course requires you to download it) which is an application and can be affected by virus or malware. Java Applets are also application and broadly they do not require you to download an application, but they have limited access and cannot take control over your mouse or keyboard.

Desktop application like an auto clicker can be really simple or sophisticated. Auto Clickers are not only for clicking but are used to create scripts / macros to automate multiple mouse clicks. Such Mouse Automation Applications are also many times supported with automatic typing on keyboard, automation of other windows aspects such as automatic application launching, text to speech automation and other lots of stuff which only an application file can do in the best possible way. Ofcourse you might not be very much interested in struggling with complex application switches, command line parameters and other related stuff.

Taking into consideration all the technical complexities, what is the best possible way to get an Auto Clicker without Virus and possible without downloading anything on your Windows Computer ? The rest of this post tries to provide summary of all technical stuff above. Auto Clicker without download and runnable in a browser is impossible to have irrespective of the programming language used to create them. On other other hand you can get an Auto Clicker without Virus or malware and automate your windows computer as you want to do. Whenever you download an application from internet, save it to your computer, scan it using online virus scanner(s) and when found clean, only then run the application on your windows computer. Software vendors often digitally sign their application utilities to make sure that users do get a clean application.

Alert when Window of any Application is Launched

Audible or other alerts can be configured using this software utility which can keep track of application windows launched. In browser windows which open up automatically are known as popup windows. However with Windows Desktop, mostly all applications do have their own window. Depending on the application(s) you are using, now you can get an audible alert whenever a window opens up. There are other actions that can be associated with opening of a window. Whenever a configured window opens up, you can either close it making it actually a Window Closer, You can Minimize or Maximize the opened window automatically. Turn Monitor On automatically when a configured window opens up like a chat window or something similar and you can even change the text that is displayed in the title of the window.

Monitor new Windows with Window Monitor Software Utility

Monitor new Windows with Window Monitor Software Utility

Download this Window Monitor Software and Monitor Windows as they open up on your Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or even on Windows XP Computer. There are multiple configurable actions that can be assigned to every window. The screenshot above displays the Window Monitor software which has an action added to close the new notepad application as and when it opens up. This Window Monitor software does not keeps on looping and checking for new windows opened, instead it works on a notification / event basis and hence consumes low memory and CPU cycles of a Windows Computer.

The above presented software can monitor windows with fixed titles  / names. The window is identified using two values namely Window Title and Window Class Name. When adding a Window to Monitor, you can either specify Window Title and Class Name or you can skip either of them. When you skip or do not specify the Title of the Window to be Monitored, this Window Monitor Software will initiate automated action for every new window that pops up with the specified class and will not match the window title. You can alternatively Monitor Screen Changes with a specified Pixel Color and assign configurable action like opening of an external application, playing of an audio / video file and almost everything your Windows 8 / 7, XP or Vista Computer can do.

Auto Click with Timer

Auto Click anywhere on screen with a configurable timer. The timed clicks can be initiated at fixed intervals or with fixed and / or random intervals. The location where you want the clicks to be done in an automatic manner can be predefined or you can set it to just be where the mouse cursor is. Whether you want automatic clicks to be done really fast or slow, this automatic clicking software for Windows can be really handy , quick and fun to use. Yes this software works on Windows 8 (which is the latest Microsoft Windows Operating System) and on even older versions of Windows such as XP, Vista, Windows 7 , etc. Have a look at the given below screenshot of this auto click utility, most of the functionality offered is in this screen itself and there are few other screens that allow to add random delay to auto clicks and another screen that allow you to lock the mouse clicking position.

Auto Click with fixed or random timer

Software Download to Auto Click on Windows

Download and try out this auto clicking software on your windows computer right now and explore all the features of the software on your own Windows Computer. This is a small software application which can be minimized or hidden to system tray easily so that while auto clicking, you can utilize your whole screen and in order to close the software, just click on the cross button. This Timed Auto Clicker allows to specify the timer values in Minutes, Seconds, and MilliSeconds and the same values are available to add Random Delay upto maximum value specified.

The Click Location can be of two types, either let this software click wherever the mouse cursor is present or select a fixed location on screen and let the software click at a fixed spot. The Auto Clicks can be started using various options like a keyboard shortcut to start / stop the auto mouse clicks, click physically with mouse cursor to start or stop the auto clicks or just press on the Start Clicking button.

In case you want the auto clicks to be effective only when mouse cursor is left inactive or idle for finite number of seconds, there is a checkbox for that purpose as well on the top right corner of the software screen. Apart from Mouse Clicks, this software can even hold mouse cursor down and release as per configuration. Whether you need a software assistant to help you with repetitive clicking at a fixed location or current mouse cursor location, this software application is a must download.

Prevent Windows Computer from going to Sleep

In case your Windows Computer goes to Sleep Mode or to Hibernate Mode or even locks down itself whenever left inactive or idle after some time, now there is a way with which you can prevent your windows computer with a small software utility. The very first option to prevent your windows computer from going to sleep is open up Power Options of your Control Panel and disable the power saving feature. However struggling with Control Panel can be tough and depending on the computer policy decided by the Administrator, you may not be allowed to change windows settings. Even if you have a standalone Windows Computer running XP, Vista, Windows 7 or even Windows 8 changing power options of the desktop or laptop computer does requires many clicks as you may want your computer to go to sleep most of the times but you may not like your computer going to sleep when watching a movie or downloading a big file overnight.

A Windows Computer goes to Sleep when it senses that the computer has been left idle and then a timer starts within the Windows counting the duration and once the configured duration is reached, Windows goes to sleep without any warning or asking confirmation. What if when you leave your computer and it still thinks that someone is using the computer actively ? Yes the software application presented here is a small and yet powerful tool to control with ease, effective power settings applicable. A standalone version of the software does not even requires installation and you can just download and run it. The application does not even requires .NET and works good with every version of Windows including Windows 8, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Vista, XP, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008 and almost all other version of Windows.

This Free to try Auto Mouse Mover Utility has been checked with more than 3 dozen antivirus softwares and is digitally signed to make sure that this software application does only what it has been designed to do and nothing else. This application is controllable using easy to understand graphical user interface and hence gives you full control over effective power options of your Windows Computer. You can even configure the utility to start automatically whenever a user is signed onto the computer or you can simply start it with a desktop shortcut. Whenever you want the Power Options of Windows Control Panel to be effective, just exit the software using System tray icon or simple click on the close button of the software. As this software just moves mouse cursor on timed intervals, the windows computer will remain active as long as automatic mouse movements are turned on. Yes there are multiple ways to start / stop the automatic mouse movements providing an easy and quick way to control windows computer’s state. While automatic mouse movements are effective, the system tray icon turns blue and otherwise it turns red giving an indication whether the software is preventing the computer from going to sleep mode or power settings from windows control panel are controlling your idle windows computer.

Auto Key Presser with Random Interval

MurGee Auto Keyboard utility now offers to automatically press selected key with fixed or random intervals. This Keyboard Automation utility works on Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP and other Windows versions. Fixed or Random interval duration is defined by delay between consecutive key presses and releases. Yes you can even use this Keyboard Automation utility to just hold the selected key on keyboard and then release it once the configured duration has passed. The number of times selected key must be pressed and released is configurable with finite times and infinite times untill stopped. The Automatic Key Presses and Releases can be started / stopped using a configurable keyboard shortcut or using the buttons on the software screen.

Automate Key Press with fixed or random interval

Automate Keyboard with Random or Fixed delay in between

Download this Auto Keyboard Utility on your Windows Computer or have a look at the above Auto Key Presser utility to know and understand how easily you can press key on keyboard with random or fixed delay in between. This Keyboard Utility allows you to send the keystrokes to the active application with focus or to some other running application without focus by specifying the target. The Fixed delay between consecutive key press is configurable from the software screen itself, whereas you can add random delay by pressing the Random Delay button. When this Automatic Key Presser send keystrokes to active or inactive application as configured, it computes the sum of fixed delay as configured from the screen and computes a random duration from the Random interval specified.

This Auto Key Presser allows you to select the key to automate and allows you to configure a HotKey or Shortcut key to start / stop the automatic key pressing and releasing. When a key is pressed and released on Keyboard manually these two action together are normally performed in a single go, however many applications or games like WOW require to hold a key down for a long duration which can be automated using this keyboard automation utility. Auto Keyboard Bot is also the name used to designate such keyboard automation utilities. As this Keyboard Utility is free to download and try, you can download this Auto Key Presser right now and try it on your Windows Computer. Whether you are using Windows 7 , Vista , XP , or even plan to upgrade to Windows 8 in near future,  this keyboard utility can be really handy to auto key press in any game, application or utility with fixed or random interval in between consecutive key presses.

Mouse with Multiple Monitors

Using Mouse with Multiple Monitors can be really easy and difficult as well. Whether you connect single or multiple physical mouse to your multiple monitor windows computer, you will effectively get a single mouse cursor to control. The Mouse Control Panel option can be really helpful when you do have multiple monitors connected to your Windows Computer and even the Screen Resolution Control Panel option plays an effective role in managing the mouse cursor movements for a multiple monitor windows computer. You can even use Monitor Switcher to switch mouse cursor between different monitors on your Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Vista or any other Windows Version.

The Screen Resolution option of Windows Control panel allows you to control the mouse cursor direction across multiple monitors. Multiple Monitors are arranged in a virtual rectangle and depending on how you place your monitors in the virtual monitor space, accordingly your mouse cursor movements have to be done. In case you want to change the direction of mouse cursor in your dual or multiple monitor windows computer, you should open up the Screen Resolution (in Windows 8, Windows 7 or Windows Vista) or Display Resolution (in Windows XP) and notice how your monitors are placed in the virtual monitor space. Click on the Identify button to get corresponding Monitor Numbers assigned to every monitor and drag the Monitor Rectangle depending on how you want to move your mouse cursor across the monitors. In case you want to have a keyboard shortcut to move the mouse cursor across multiple monitors without actually moving your mouse cursor from one to the other Monitor, you can use the Monitor Switcher functionality of the Dual Monitor Software named MurGeeMon.

The Mouse Control Panel provides lots of other optional features to help you to easily manage Mouse Cursor in a Multiple Monitor Windows Computer. The Mouse Control Panel allows to control the Mouse Cursor Movement speed, Enable or Disable Mouse Cursor trail and even control the visibility of the mouse trail to be short or long, allows you to enable the mouse cursor position identification using the Ctrl Key, enable or disable the functionality to snap the mouse cursor to the default button in a popup dialog box, change the mouse cursor appearance, switch primary and secondary buttons and much more. Managing Mouse with Multiple Monitors can be really easy and productive once you are aware of all the features provided by Windows. The Mouse Control functionalities provided by Microsoft are almost the same for Windows 8 as for Windows 7, Vista, etc. Yes for all other functionalities not provided by Microsoft, you can download an appropriate software utility.

Detect Changes in Screen of a Windows Computer

The Color Change Detector software utility for Windows can be used to detect changes in screen. The software allows you to monitor changes in screen by marking a pixel on the screen and whenever color of the marked pixel changes, you can launch an application, open a document, play an audio file or anything else. This Color Change Detector software provides finer control over color change detection. The Changes in the marked pixel color can be monitored in two ways. You can either specify that whenever the color of a marked pixel changes to any other color, an alert should be initiated or you can configure the software to initiate an alert only when the color of the pixel changes to another predefined color.

Single or Multiple pixels can be monitored using this Color Change Detector. You can even enable or disable a screen change detection without deleting it from the list of screen pixels to be monitored. There are parameters for every color change detection which allow you to control the interval at which the color changes on screen should be monitored. Color of the screen is stored in terms of RGB values which are displayed in the software. You can even define the number of times a color change is detected and you can even specify a comment along with every color change detection.

The Color Change Detector works good on Windows 8,7, Vista and other versions of Windows. Processor bit of 32 and 64 bit differences are taken care by Windows automatically and hence you can use this software on either of 32 bit Windows or on 64 bit version of Windows. The software is available on a shareware basis and there is no fee to try it and you can download the trial version of color change detector totally free. The trial version is limited only by the usage count and rest all the functionalities in the software work as good as full registered version.

Control Network Connections with Shortcut

Managing Network connections with shortcut can be really helpful when your Windows 8 or Windows 7 computer has multiple network connections. This post presents a software utility named Network Controller which allows you to view the status of network connections and simultaneously allow you to control them with ease. Controlling Network connections is a computer level basis task and the changes you make will be applicable to the whole computer and all the users configured on the Windows computer. Administrative rights are required to enable or disable the network connections.

The Network Controller software utility can be used to control single or multiple network connections with ease. The software utility allows you to create desktop shortcut to any network connections which can be used to enable a disabled network connection, disable an enabled network connection or even toggle the state of a selected network connection. Yes you can even manage the selected network connection from the gui of the software. All network connections are identified using the name assigned in the control panel or network connections option of windows 8 or windows 7. Whether you want to control a wired network connection or even a wireless network connection, this Network Control utility can be really handy and is totally free to try out.

Whether you are a System Administrator or a multi or single network user, this Network Controller utility can really save the time and efforts to navigate to control panel, find out the appropriate network connection, check the status of the target network connection and change the current status of the network connection. This utility does requires admin access to the windows computer you wish to manage and can simplify the task of managing network connections with a graphical user interface or desktop shortcuts. Every Desktop Shortcut created to manage a selected network connection is named appropriately along with description field of the shortcut for you to easily identify the desired shortcut to change the status of network connection. As with any other shortcut on desktop or in any other folder of Windows computer, you can change the icon displayed for the Network Controller shortcut, rename it and even delete it. Yes this Network Controller works fine on 32 bit & 64 bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista , etc.

Screenshot Software for Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, etc

Now capturing Screenshot in Windows is really easy with Screen Capture Software by This software can be really useful when you do know the area of the screen which you wish to capture. This Screenshot software allows you to capture screenshot of any portion of screen using a resizable & relocatable semi transparent window (with transparency control settings). The software has a single button to capture the screen area under the screen capture window. Yes this software works fine on Windows 8 as it works on Windows 7, Vista, XP or even on Windows 2000. Do have a look at the screenshot of the software below to know how it looks like and what control settings are available to control this nifty utility to make the task of creating screenshots really easy and handy.

Capture screenshot on Windows 8, Windows 7 using Screen Capture Software

Capture Portion of Screen with Screen Capture Software

Download and try out this Screen Capture Software on your Windows 8, Windows 7, or any other windows version and try it out for free. This Screen capturing software allows you to define the rectangular area for capturing the screenshot and then you can capture the screenshot. The captured screenshot is stored automatically on your hard disk with appropriate name. This software utility also opens up the folder in which the screenshot captured has been stored.

This small Screen Capture utility has information messages on its user interface, a settings button and a button to actually Capture the Screenshot. In order to capture the screenshot, just move the window on top of the screen location which you want to be captured and then click the button labelled Capture Screenshot. This Screen Capturing utility will minimize automatically, capture the screenshot, store it in your hard disk and will open up the folder using Windows Explorer. In order to get precision changes in window size, you can use arrow keys with focus on this screen capturing software and change size of main window of the software with precision of 1 pixel. Width & Height of the window and hence the screen capturing area is always displayed and updated automatically.